four people twelve times + one dog | 09.14
- on: October 04, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, four people twelve times
I can’t believe it’s already gone and we are saying hello to October. September passed by with a speed of blink of an eye.
We started the month by our 13th wedding anniversary. 13 years! It’s almost unreal that it’s been so long since Ivo and I said: “I do” to each other. We might have some gray hair and more wrinkles on our faces, but I wouldn’t change a single minute from those past 13 years. I love him dearly!
September also marked our 12th Canadian anniversary. I still remember the day when we came to Toronto, each of us holding just two suitcases with our personal stuff. We had each other, our love and a lot of courage for this new adventure our ours. Several moves and twelve years later I’m proudly calling this country my home.
I think the biggest “thing/event” for us, which happened in September, was welcoming Ace into our family. This little fella brings so much joy into our daily lives. Of course we are tired from getting up at night with him but it’s worth it. He is the cutest little thing ever even though he has his “moments” when he bites like crazy with his tiny little sharp teeth. I know this puppy stage will pass and then he will be calm. Just this morning he made us all laugh so hard when he was “attacking” the door stopper. The sound made him go nuts, it was really funny to watch him. And those eyes!! Those.Eyes!
We’ve had also worries because of this little guy. Patrik was sick (having a cold and terrible cough) and stayed at home with Ivo and Ace. In the evening he was covered with hives and we ended up at ER. It seems it was an allergic reaction, probably to Ace’s saliva. We got him tested two days later and the test showed that Patrik is allergic to dogs, luckily the allergy is not severe and we can keep Ace. It would break our hearts if we would have to give him away. We are still on a close watch of Patrik’s skin, he is doing really well to keep out of Ace’s kisses reach.
September also finally ended the teachers’ strike and our kids went to school on September 22nd. The teachers started their strike on June 16th, so our kids were at home for 3 long months! I’m happy that everything got solved out and they are able to get their education.
Ivo did another triathlon race. This one at Cultus Lake is his favorite, he returns there every year as it is also the last race of the season. He trained hard and won 1st place in his age division! Once again, couldn’t be more proud of him! He is now training for a marathon which will take a place on the first weekend of November.
Katrin’s started her swimming club again and moved up to the junior Gold level. Her practice is five times a week but she is going only four times (which is still more than enough).
Both kids have grown up so much during the summer, Patrik is already taller than up to my chin (and I’m 177cm – almost 5’10). It’s crazy!
I plan to post a lot of photos from our summer so hopefully I will get a spare minute or two and will be able to do some heavy photo posts.
September/ October are my favorite months. Let’s enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
Leave a comment...four people twelve times | 08.14
- on: September 01, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, four people twelve times
I know I say it every single month but this past month flew by with a cosmic speed!
We did a lot of traveling in August. We started with a trip down to the states for Patrik’s cycling 2 days race event. We stayed in Elma and also visited Seattle.
We went to Cultus Water Park to have some family fun. We also spent 4 days in Squamish hiking and biking and finished the month by traveling to Summerland for kids’ and Ivo’s triathlon race. I love to travel but I’m so happy we are finally at home.
August was definitely month of movement. I bought new running shoes and have started running again. It feels good to be back outside and run. And it’s even better when I can do it with a dear friend.
The biggest thing for us this month was definitely a decision about having a dog. Katrin has been asking for a dog like forever and Ivo finally agreed. I will post some photos in a different post.
Both kids have grown up so much during summer. I definitely don’t look forward to going through their closets to sort out their clothes. I bet half of Patrik’s pants will be short. As the teachers’ strike is still on (since mid-June), the school is not starting tomorrow. We, as parents, are really upset about the whole situation but there is nothing we can do about it. Hopefully the schools will open their doors soon.
The summer went by too fast, the change of seasons is noticeable already. The trees are changing colors and even the weather is more fall-ish. I will try to do some sort of summer summary in photos soon.
Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. Marrying Ivo was the best decision I’ve ever made! I love him dearly.
Goodbye August.
Hello September!
Leave a comment...four people twelve times | 07.14
- on: July 31, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, four people twelve times
July, oh July.
You have been such an athletic month! There were so many hours put into hard training and all the sweat and hard work definitely paid off at the end.
Kids started the month by running Kids run during Canada Day’s celebration.
Katrin celebrated her 8th B-day. She is changing so much! She is such a bright and funny person to be around. She always cracks us up with her jokes and she always knows everything. One day she will make a great manager.
Patrik did several cycling races during this month and then together with Ivo and myself he rode the Prospera Valley Fondo. Guys did together the “short” distance – 50km and I challenged myself for 160km. It was really an awesome experience and a great challenge since it was the longest ride ever for Patrik and for myself. We both finished and had a great time.
The biggest event of the month was definitely Ivo’s Subaru Ironman in Whistler which took a place only four days ago. He was training so hard since last November and did amazing job during the race. I plan to make a separate post just about this weekend soon. All I can say is that we couldn’t be more proud of him!! All of us, kid included.
The weather has been very hot, I just wish that Ivo and I would have more time off from work so we could enjoy more days at the lake as a family together.
July was also a month of new experiences, not just on the sport’s field. Ivo and I tried lobster for the first time yesterday, it was so delicious. Kids chickened out and didn’t try but I’m glad the two of us did.
We are heading into another weekend full of sport – Patrik is going to have 3 cycling races within two days. I hope it won’t be as hot as it has been for the last couple of days though and that he will have a lot of fun!
I’m very grateful for our amazing and supporting friends who play a big role in our family. Thank you, Reb and Chris, Brian and Amanda, Janice and Eric, and Harmony!! We couldn’t call this place HOME without you!
July, you were a good one.
August, bring it on!
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four people twelve times | 06.14
- on: June 30, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: four people twelve times
What a month this June has been! We started it off with Ivo’s Half Iron race in Oliver. We were cheering not just on Ivo during this race but also on our friends, Reb and Chris. It was so hot on that day but it didn’t stop all the athletes from doing great performances. Ivo came first in his age group and of course, we couldn’t be more proud of him! Now he is training really hard for his Ironman Whistler even though he is going through some injuries.
Both kids have been at home for the last two weeks due to teachers strike. The schools got closed after Friday 13th and haven’t opened since then. Kids didn’t get their report cards and the question if the schools open on time in September, is still in the air. So far they seem to have fun at home but I know the two and half months will get too long since both of us work full-time and can’t take too many days of vacation to spend somewhere outside with them. We have to think about some plans for a family vacation sometime in August soon for sure.
As for myself goes, June has been quite an emotional roller-coaster. It started with high hopes for a change of career but unfortunately it didn’t go through at the end. At the beginning I was really excited that things might change and I might be able to finally do a work which I would enjoy but the reality was different at the end. My mind and feelings are definitely not in my current field as I’ve ended up in there sort of “accidentally”. But I believe that my right time will come soon and everything will change for better. I am not loosing hope (even though on some days it feels like it).
I am also hoping to get my “creative mojo” back soon. I love photography but lately don’t pick my camera up too often. I also feel the need and urge to just create (either doing some scrapbooking or just some handmade crafts) but can’t force myself to do it. I know it is just a phase but I can’t wait to get over it. Luckily my dear friend Harmony has always some plans in her sleeves and helps me to boost my lack of creativity.
During this last month I’ve learned a lot about myself. Not just thanks to this “work” experience, but also thanks to my bike training. I biked 105km and 122km long bike rides on two weekends. I have never thought about myself as a strong person but I’ve found out that I am one. I pushed through pain and finished those rides and I’m quite proud of it. Pain is temporary, pride is forever. So true! My race is going to be 160km and it will take a place in just three weeks. Eeek! I’m definitely excited and scared at the same time.
Katrin and I “jumped” in into reading and both of us enjoy just relaxing with a good book. She is quite a reader which makes my mother’s heart sing. I love reading. I am finishing Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand and havealready two books lined up.
Patrik is still into cars and sports and now he is enjoying watching Fifa as well. His cycling practices will go through the whole summer which will keep him in shape and will also help to burn his extra energy.
Over here we are preparing for Katrin’s B-day, hoping for some warm sunny days, lake visits, keeping up in touch with our friends, doing BBQs and having dinners outside.
Leave a comment...four people twelve times| 05.14
- on: May 31, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, four people twelve times

Kids of Steel – Whistler
Well, all I can say is good-bye May, hello June.
June?! Already?! How?
May has been a month full of sport events and as fast as it came it will be gone just in a few hours. We had three weekends in row filled with triathlon events (this weekend is the last one). Talk about active life, right?!…. The first one was Patrik’s North Vancouver Kids of Steel, then Whistler’s Kids of Steel for both little ones and this weekend is Ivo’s half Ironman. It was really fun to see both kids racing together, but oh my, the logistics trying to catch both kids during the race were not easy at all. I will post some photos and more info about the races in the next couple of days.
Other than the racing, there is almost nothing new around here. We try to enjoy every single day to the fullest.
I’ve had a few exciting personal moments this month but for now I will keep it just for myself. I’ve been also working hard on getting into shape and trying to do my workouts on regular basis. I think I’m on a right track, I’ve lost a little bit of weight and don’t have as many sugar cravings as I had before. But it’s still a long journey to a self discipline for myself.
I’m also reading a book!! Like a real book! I so miss reading but since I’ve started commuting to work by car, I didn’t read a single book in almost 8 months! There is just not enough hours in a day to do everything I would love to do.
Hopefully we will have more sunny days in the upcoming weeks, I’m so ready for summer!
Good-bye, May. You were a good one.
How was yours?
Leave a comment...four people twelve times | 04.14
- on: April 27, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, four people twelve times
I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that April is almost gone! How this has happened? This month has been flying by for sure. The weather has been still quite cold for most of the time and we’ve got more rainy days in the last couple of days but it didn’t stop us from enjoying the outside .
April has been a month of allergies for all of us.
And haircuts.
And school field trips.
And a lot of driving to and from practices.
April also starts the tri-season. Patrik just raced his first triathlon of this year yesterday and did awesome!
Ivo is training so hard for his upcoming races and it makes me feel guilty because I don’t put as much into my training as I should; and my cycling race is getting closer.
Both kids will end up this month with cross-country races at school and Katrin with a swim meet.
I’ve been drinking green smoothies the whole month and really enjoying them. I’ve been experimenting with different flavors and started using almond milk.
Unfortunately I’ve strained my left shoulder muscles and I’m having a lot of pain in them so I’m starting some physio next week. Hopefully it will heal soon so I can enjoy yoga and every movement in general without pain once again.
In overall, April has been a very busy but a great month. My plan/goal for May is to get more on top of everyday things and get better in planning and organizing my schedule ahead.
I have to say that I’m loving this project, we have finally at least one photo of the whole family each and every month! You can see summaries of our previous months of this year here.
Leave a comment...four people twelve times | 03.14
- on: March 31, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: four people twelve times
This imperfect photo is sadly the only photo of the whole family together taken in March. And yes, it was taken today, March 31st; just a few minutes before kids bedtime when the whole family got finally together for the first time today (even though only for a few minutes).
Ivo got home with Patrik from his cycling practice, we snapped the photo and then he left for his swimming workout just 2 minutes after this. This is how we roll every Monday and starting tomorrow, it’s going to be every Tuesday and Thursday.
I’m glad that both kids love to be active and enjoy sports as their parents do but sometimes it just feels overwhelming. Next month I will make sure to take my photo during the month and not 3.5 hours before the month is over… For the month of March, this one will do. It’s a capture of our busy life and no matter how imperfect the photo is, I still treasure it.
You can see our January and February here.
Leave a comment...four people twelve times | 02.14
- on: March 01, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: four people twelve times
Sometimes the photo taken on the first day of the certain month is the only one available. But it counts. This photo above was taken during our family walk on local dykes.
Our February 2014:
The weather has been gorgeous. We didn’t get too much rain but we had snow! And lots of sunshine! We made a snowman as well.
We watched and cheered on our athletes during The Olympic games in Sochi.
Both kids go strong with their rainbow looms creations.
Ivo had a few days when he was so exhausted from the training that he had to take a little brake. Now he is back to his training.
And as for myself goes, I’ve started training on my bike with a coach prepared workout on computer. I needed that push for sure. I also went to yoga. Getting some me time again.
On the last day of this month Ivo and I went for a dinner and horse racing with our company. It was such a treat for the two of us to get some adult time. I hope we will be able to get out more.
February was good.
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