2017 | year of awakening
- on: December 31, 2017
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word
I can’t believe how long this place have been neglected for! I plan on changing it very soon and get back to documenting the simple things of our everyday life.
There are less than 9 hours left in 2017 so I’m just posting about my little word which has guided me through this year.
when it all comes together…
- on: March 12, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: self care, sport | triathlon
living essentially
- on: March 03, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: essential oils
Hi everyone. I can’t believe that it has been so long since my last post! The days fly by so fast; we celebrated three Birthdays since January.
Being wife of a multiple-times Ironman (triathlon: 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike, 26.2 miles run) & ultra-marathoner, and mom of two young triathletes and competitive cyclists, it is a priority #1 for me to take care of health and wellness of our family, as we are constantly on the go. I’ve started a new blog called Living Essentially which focuses on a healthy lifestyle, making our home toxin free with a help of essential oils.
For me, personally, living healthy doesn’t mean just having the right nutritious eating habits and enough exercise (which trust me, our family has more than enough!), but also trying to avoid as many chemicals and toxins in our daily life as possible. I’ve shifted from the “recreational” diffusing of essential oils in an aromatherapy lamp just to “get-the-nice-smell at home” to learning about the benefits of using pure essential oils, natural plant based cleaners and many more products containing essential oils.
As a first step, I’ve got rid of store bought air refresheners and chemical house cleaners and started making my own foam soaps, air sprays, face creams and body butter using Young Living essential oils. Those mentioned homemade goodies not only smell and feel amazing on the skin but most importantly, are safe for our children and my family enjoys using them on everyday basis. I don’t have to stress about toxins anymore and can spend more quality time with my loved ones.
I am really excited to learn more in-depth the power and benefits of using essential oils and supporting the healthy habits of my family.
Using essential oils is slowly but surely changing our lives for better. I hope you will join me on this journey. We can learn together.
Leave a comment...living wholeheartedly | choosing to participate
- on: January 21, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: creative living, inspiration, one little word, self care
Wholehearted. My one little word for this year.
It’s kinda funny how one little word can “push” you into an action, motivate you to work on goals and make you think more about stuff you are doing on everyday basis. It’s just a word, right? But yet, it can be powerful.
I went to yoga earlier this evening. It was actually my second class this week. I feel stronger, more flexible and much more relaxed and it is because I’ve decided to do something with my intentions/goals. Because I’ve decided to participate in my life.
I was incredible fortunate/lucky to meet two amazing people last year who then became my bosses more than a month ago. I’m still pinching myself every morning on my “commute” to work to make sure it’s real. I always wanted to wake up in the morning and say “I love my job” and I think now I can honestly say that.
Both of them teach me every day something new and I am also learning new things about myself. Just the other day my boss told me about Bob Proctor and showed me a video which I’ve posted below . I’ve never heard about him before and was not familiar with his work at all. But the video and the message of it totally got me. Even though the video is business focused, the main message for me was this part (you can watch it around 8:16):
Life can be phenomenal but we have to make it that way. It isn’t gonna happen by accident.
We can either be observers and watch what’s going on or we can be participants and take part of what’s going on.
Well, I don’t think I will ever become a millionaire nor that I will have my own successful business, but Bob’s message really touched my heart. I’ve been making excuses for myself long enough, why not to do the workout on a certain day, or why it’s not the best time right now to make the meal plan for the next week or to finally start reading the camera manual. I’ve finally got to the point where I want to participate in my life and not to be just an observer.
It’s time to fully participate in my own life. It’s time to live wholeheartedly.
Leave a comment...Ace
- on: January 18, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
It has been ages since I posted anything about Ace. He has grown quite a bit and will be turning 18 months in a few days. He has such a fun personality. He is definitely living up to the nickname of “velcro” dog, he loves to cuddle with us and be close to us. And yes, he knows how to push the buttons too…!
Now he is able to go for long runs with Ivo ( I think the longest one they have done was around 25km) and he absolutely loves it. Ivo took him also for a few bike rides on the trails to get him used to run along the bike. So far so good! His two brothers live in the same city so he is running with them on regular basis. I’m still trying to get a good shot of them together but you can imagine how almost impossible this is! Hopefully one day..
We got him this cave bed from Snoozer for Christmas. At first he wasn’t sure about it but now he definitely calls it his space. He buries himself deep into the bed and sometimes we can’t see him at all, sometimes only a leg, his tail or a nose will stick out a little bit.
You can tell that he is definitely comfy in there.
I’m hoping to update the Vizsla page soon with some new photos so you can compare how much he has grown and changed.
Leave a comment...closer to the nature
- on: January 17, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: aromatherapy | essential oils, natural, self care
I’ve always been sensitive to smells and just the idea of cleaning a bathroom was a nightmare for me. I always ended up with a terrible headache caused by the commercial cleaning products and even though wearing gloves, my skin was irritated.
Yesterday I finally tested my new natural (plant based) household cleaner – Thieves from Young Living. After cleaning 2.5 bathrooms without gloves there was no skin issue nor a headache at all. And it smells amazing!
My daughter used it on wiping our kitchen counters yesterday as well so it’s safe for kids too and I am not afraid that she will be exposed to harsh chemicals.
I don’t think that I will ever be excited about cleaning the bathrooms or counter tops or anything in the house (hey, there are more fun things to do than cleaning, right?!) but at least I will do it the safer way without headaches or freaking out that my skin will crack once again.
This one is definitely a keeper!
Leave a comment...for the love of aromatherapy | fighting colds
- on: January 12, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: aromatherapy | essential oils, natural, self care
After a few cold and sunny days we are back in our rainy, winter weather. The gray cloudy skies brought unfortunately runny noses and cough into our household. Even though we eat a lot of veggies and fruits, use vitamins and multi probiotics as prevention, sometimes you just can’t avoid the winter blues.
This time was our little man’s turn with the cold. Most of the time, when he catches a cold or a virus, he ends up with a bad cough which always worsens at night. So I was on a quest to help him to ease this whole process the natural way this time. I’ve been using essential oils for a few months now but mostly I’ve used them only for the aromatherapy purpose (divine smell of the whole house) or to make my own household products for get rid of unnecessary chemicals. When he first started to sneeze, I turned the diffuser on and have been running it downstairs with thieves blend during the day. But I also put our second diffuser to work at night too. I did a little research and asked people what blend would be the best to diffuse at night and ended up with a mix of 2 drops each of Lemon and of R.C. {R.C. is a blend of eucalyptus (E. globulus, E. radiata, E. citriodora), myrtle, spruce, peppermint, pine, lavender, marjoram, cypress}. I didn’t want to overdo it for the first time and also I don’t have too many oils at home so I just wanted to try it.
When he got to bed, he was coughing a lot. I was a little bit skeptical at first if the diffuser will work or not but to my surprise only after 10 minutes of running it, he stopped coughing and slept through the night. He came downstairs in the morning saying that he slept well thanks to the diffuser. I absolutely love this thing. It uses mix of water and essential oils to create a cool mist but it also doubles as a humidifier, which is beneficial in winter. So I guess I can say that my first try was a success.
The little man is feeling a little bit better now so let’s hope that none of us will get it from him. Kids use vitamin C, multi probiotics and manuka honey and Ivo and I are adding oil of oregano to the mix as well to stay healthy through the winter months.
Please note that all the info above is just me sharing my own experience with aromatherapy. It is not meant to give you direction how to treat diseases. No matter what brand of oils you use or prefer, I strongly recommend for you to do your own research before you use any oils or natural products. That’s what I do all the time as well. There is a lot of info online but I personally check with books or multiple resources as well before I give it a go. I’ve been using this book above as a guide.
I hope this post has been helpful to you. If you have any question, tips or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the comments or the contact me form.
Leave a comment...our adventures during Christmas break
- on: January 09, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: family life
During the last Christmas break we moved and explored our area a lot. We are definitely not people who would sit two weeks at home and just eat. We did a lot of hiking, walking, and biking and were joined on our adventures by our friends sometimes as well. We really do live in a beautiful area. Around our neighbourhood there was no snow but only 15 minutes drive and we were in a provincial park and surrounded by snow. It’s a win-win.
I took quite a lot of pictures during our adventures, most of them are just iPhone photos but for me it is more important to have at least those than having them of a perfect quality. One of my “goals” for this year is definitely take more photos of us, as a family.
Walk on dykes on Christmas morning with our friends.
Hiking in the park.
We did the same hike twice because the first time it was very foggy and we couldn’t see the mountains. Few days later the park was filled with sunshine.
At this point we were chasing the last sunrays of the day.
We are definitely very fortunate that we don’t have to travel to see such a beauty because it is just in our “neck of the woods”.
And yes, we did some biking in the freezing weather as well.
I can feel that this year will be full of family adventures.
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