when it all comes together…
- on: March 12, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: self care, sport | triathlon
- 0
Do you know that feeling when you finally GET IT? When it all clicks together and you are doing what you thought that’s almost impossible for you to do? The feeling when you realize that it is not that hard at all?!!
When you overcome your fears and all the excuses and you just go for it?!
And then it suddenly happens!!
Four, five weeks ago I wasn’t able to swim and breath under water at the same time at all. I’ve decided at the beginning of this year that I will learn how to properly swim. Those of you, who know my family personally, know that everyone is crazy athletic. Except for me. I’m the biggest fan of my husband and our little athletes and would do anything for them to support them in what they love (and what they are so good at). The better they are all getting, the more I was getting the feeling that I’m suddenly not able to keep up with them. We go for a bike ride and I’m first one out of breath. They definitely motivate me and push me to try harder.
Our family goes swimming every week. Each of us is training for a different distance, for a different race, for a different reason. For me it all begun with the desire to finally swim properly. I went from not breathing in the water, to putting my head under the water and doing two breast strokes with one breath. Two weeks ago I tried one breath per one stroke and found out that I can actually keep up with it.
Then today it happened. I swam my usual 1 km and then decided to try a free style (which I’ve never done before because I didn’t know how to do it and mostly because of the breathing issues). I did a few strokes and then it clicked. I was swimming something which is actually close to a free style. Far away from being perfect but I was doing it! I got a glimpse of Ivo actually watching me and suddenly I had a huge grin on my face (which is not the best thing to do when you swim). My first time “swimming” the style and my husband actually seeing it. And he was proud of me.
I can’t tell you, people, how much this moment means to me! It was only a few strokes, and those were very distant from the proper style but I’m getting there. I am actually getting there!! After all those years of putting it off.
So today has been another little victory for me and I’m celebrating this little success of mine. It gives me so much more energy and willingness to try harder and improve what I have been doing.
I guess the lesson of today has been – Don’t be afraid of trying things which scare you. Just go for it. Keep trying, even if it’s not perfect what you are doing, just KEEP GOING! If you fail, you get up and try even harder. It’s definitely worth it!
I want to say thank you to my family for supporting me. I love you guys!!
And who knows, I might sign up for the triathlon I’ve been dreaming about for several years now…
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