2017 | year of awakening
- on: December 31, 2017
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word
I can’t believe how long this place have been neglected for! I plan on changing it very soon and get back to documenting the simple things of our everyday life.
There are less than 9 hours left in 2017 so I’m just posting about my little word which has guided me through this year.
living wholeheartedly | choosing to participate
- on: January 21, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: creative living, inspiration, one little word, self care
Wholehearted. My one little word for this year.
It’s kinda funny how one little word can “push” you into an action, motivate you to work on goals and make you think more about stuff you are doing on everyday basis. It’s just a word, right? But yet, it can be powerful.
I went to yoga earlier this evening. It was actually my second class this week. I feel stronger, more flexible and much more relaxed and it is because I’ve decided to do something with my intentions/goals. Because I’ve decided to participate in my life.
I was incredible fortunate/lucky to meet two amazing people last year who then became my bosses more than a month ago. I’m still pinching myself every morning on my “commute” to work to make sure it’s real. I always wanted to wake up in the morning and say “I love my job” and I think now I can honestly say that.
Both of them teach me every day something new and I am also learning new things about myself. Just the other day my boss told me about Bob Proctor and showed me a video which I’ve posted below . I’ve never heard about him before and was not familiar with his work at all. But the video and the message of it totally got me. Even though the video is business focused, the main message for me was this part (you can watch it around 8:16):
Life can be phenomenal but we have to make it that way. It isn’t gonna happen by accident.
We can either be observers and watch what’s going on or we can be participants and take part of what’s going on.
Well, I don’t think I will ever become a millionaire nor that I will have my own successful business, but Bob’s message really touched my heart. I’ve been making excuses for myself long enough, why not to do the workout on a certain day, or why it’s not the best time right now to make the meal plan for the next week or to finally start reading the camera manual. I’ve finally got to the point where I want to participate in my life and not to be just an observer.
It’s time to fully participate in my own life. It’s time to live wholeheartedly.
Leave a comment...reading list for this year
- on: January 07, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, one little word, self care
As a part of my wholehearted year I want to finally go through the books which have been collecting dust on the shelves at home for quite some time. In the past I’ve always started reading a book and rarely finished it because I got distracted by something else. This year I want to change it and do it my wholehearted (completely and sincerely devoted) way. Finishing these books will also help me to transform my way of thinking and doing things. Like coming up with healthier and more fulfilling meals for my little athletes and super athletic husband.
The photo above isn’t showing all the books I want to read this year but those should be enough as a starting point (the two bottom ones are from a library).
Here is my list:
- Whole 30 – by Mellisa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig
- Everyday Super Foods – by Jamie Oliver
- Essential Oils Natural Remedies – The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing – by Althea Press
- Essential Oils and Aromatherapy – An Introductory Guide – by Sonoma Press
- Whole Foods to Thrive – by Brendan Brazier
- Rising Strong – by Brene Brown
- Secrets to a Heathy Metabolism – by Maria Emmerich
- Clean Gut – by Alejandro Junger
You’ve probably noticed a pattern going on in this list. Yes, those books are mostly about food and essential oils. About the good healthy stuff. And that’s what I plan on improving this year – to become more aware of what we eat, and what we use in our everyday life. Our kids are very active in competitive sports and Ivo’s goals are getting bigger as well (e.g. long distance ultra marathons, off-road triathlons) so it’s up to me to come up with nutritious meal plans. And there is no better way how to start than educate myself.
This year I’m using Elise’s Get to Work Book as a planner/goal tracker to sort of push myself to commit to these “tasks”. I absolutely love the concept of this Work book, it is amazing tool how to stay on track. And it is visually appealing to me as well which helps me to focus on the important stuff.
So, tell me, what are your plans in the reading department for this year? Please don’t be afraid to comment here. It is always such a reward for me to read your comments, and I appreciate one and each of them.
Leave a comment...one little word in 2016 | the year of wholehearted
- on: January 01, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word
I’ve been choosing my One little word for several years now. For 2016 I’m going with wholehearted.
Wholehearted: showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment.
Completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic.
Every year my chosen word guides me through the challenges of everyday life. It helps me to focus on my goals and pushes me through difficult times. This time my word didn’t come easily as in the previous years and I still wasn’t sure a few days ago what it’s going to be. But one thing I knew for sure was that I want to commit to my life with my whole heart, stop doing things half way and stop stressing about things which are not important. Reading Brene Brown‘s books have had a huge impact on me while trying to figure out how I want to live my life. This quote from her book The gifts of Imperfection really speaks to me:
Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion and connection to wake up in the morning and think, ‘No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging.’
So that’s the plan – to live and love with my whole heart.
2015 was a crazy year full of challenges, highs and lows, lots of personal excuses which lead to failures and not finishing what I’ve started and then feeling guilty about it.
2016 is going to be a year of fully committing, being conscious of my goals and working on them, and enjoying the whole process.
This year is going to be lived more wholeheartedly mostly because:
I will make sure that there will be more family trips, night games and fun together.
I want to commit to advanced meal planning – to finally go through my cookbooks and creating more variety in our menu, introducing one new meal at least once a month.
I will make time for yoga and build more core strength and flexibility.
I want to learn how to cycle more efficiently and get faster on the bike.
I plan on taking more photos, especially the family ones – I plan on returning to our Four people & one dog | Twelve times project.
So that’s the plan. I know it will take a lot of self consciousness to fully commit with my whole heart but I think I’m ready.
Bring it on, twenty-sixteen!
Happy 2016!
You can read about my previous words here: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.
Leave a comment...one little word | 2015
- on: December 31, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word, random thoughts
2015 is going to be a year of being fierce.
- (of a feeling, emotion, or action) showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.
I plan to go full speed and embrace all the challenges of the upcoming year. I’m ready.
Let’s do it!
You can read about my previous words here.
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a new chapter of my story
- on: January 06, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word, random thoughts
The year of twenty-fourteen is a year of thriving for me.
- thrive
2. To grow vigorously; flourish.
Why have I chosen this word? In my last post of the last year I summarized the challenges of 2013 and how I’ve felt out of a balance in my daily routine. This year I really want to thrive. I want to get back the unleashed happy me, I want to explore more and be aware more of things and people around me. I want to create more and read more books and enjoy just being silly with my little ones without feeling guilty that I’m falling behind in other stuff. I want to prosper and flourish physically and emotionally and reach some of my personal goals this year.
One of my goals for this year is to make this blog of mine a place where I can share bits and pieces of our daily life, my photography and many more.
This site will need lots and lots of hard work to look like as I visualize, but I am really excited to start this new chapter of my story.
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