living wholeheartedly | choosing to participate
- on: January 21, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: creative living, inspiration, one little word, self care
Wholehearted. My one little word for this year.
It’s kinda funny how one little word can “push” you into an action, motivate you to work on goals and make you think more about stuff you are doing on everyday basis. It’s just a word, right? But yet, it can be powerful.
I went to yoga earlier this evening. It was actually my second class this week. I feel stronger, more flexible and much more relaxed and it is because I’ve decided to do something with my intentions/goals. Because I’ve decided to participate in my life.
I was incredible fortunate/lucky to meet two amazing people last year who then became my bosses more than a month ago. I’m still pinching myself every morning on my “commute” to work to make sure it’s real. I always wanted to wake up in the morning and say “I love my job” and I think now I can honestly say that.
Both of them teach me every day something new and I am also learning new things about myself. Just the other day my boss told me about Bob Proctor and showed me a video which I’ve posted below . I’ve never heard about him before and was not familiar with his work at all. But the video and the message of it totally got me. Even though the video is business focused, the main message for me was this part (you can watch it around 8:16):
Life can be phenomenal but we have to make it that way. It isn’t gonna happen by accident.
We can either be observers and watch what’s going on or we can be participants and take part of what’s going on.
Well, I don’t think I will ever become a millionaire nor that I will have my own successful business, but Bob’s message really touched my heart. I’ve been making excuses for myself long enough, why not to do the workout on a certain day, or why it’s not the best time right now to make the meal plan for the next week or to finally start reading the camera manual. I’ve finally got to the point where I want to participate in my life and not to be just an observer.
It’s time to fully participate in my own life. It’s time to live wholeheartedly.
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