a new chapter of my story
- on: January 06, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: one little word, random thoughts
The year of twenty-fourteen is a year of thriving for me.
- thrive
2. To grow vigorously; flourish.
Why have I chosen this word? In my last post of the last year I summarized the challenges of 2013 and how I’ve felt out of a balance in my daily routine. This year I really want to thrive. I want to get back the unleashed happy me, I want to explore more and be aware more of things and people around me. I want to create more and read more books and enjoy just being silly with my little ones without feeling guilty that I’m falling behind in other stuff. I want to prosper and flourish physically and emotionally and reach some of my personal goals this year.
One of my goals for this year is to make this blog of mine a place where I can share bits and pieces of our daily life, my photography and many more.
This site will need lots and lots of hard work to look like as I visualize, but I am really excited to start this new chapter of my story.
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Jennifer Woodbury
This is my word for 2014 too… hoping it’s a great year for both of us!!