reading list for this year
- on: January 07, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, one little word, self care
As a part of my wholehearted year I want to finally go through the books which have been collecting dust on the shelves at home for quite some time. In the past I’ve always started reading a book and rarely finished it because I got distracted by something else. This year I want to change it and do it my wholehearted (completely and sincerely devoted) way. Finishing these books will also help me to transform my way of thinking and doing things. Like coming up with healthier and more fulfilling meals for my little athletes and super athletic husband.
The photo above isn’t showing all the books I want to read this year but those should be enough as a starting point (the two bottom ones are from a library).
Here is my list:
- Whole 30 – by Mellisa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig
- Everyday Super Foods – by Jamie Oliver
- Essential Oils Natural Remedies – The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing – by Althea Press
- Essential Oils and Aromatherapy – An Introductory Guide – by Sonoma Press
- Whole Foods to Thrive – by Brendan Brazier
- Rising Strong – by Brene Brown
- Secrets to a Heathy Metabolism – by Maria Emmerich
- Clean Gut – by Alejandro Junger
You’ve probably noticed a pattern going on in this list. Yes, those books are mostly about food and essential oils. About the good healthy stuff. And that’s what I plan on improving this year – to become more aware of what we eat, and what we use in our everyday life. Our kids are very active in competitive sports and Ivo’s goals are getting bigger as well (e.g. long distance ultra marathons, off-road triathlons) so it’s up to me to come up with nutritious meal plans. And there is no better way how to start than educate myself.
This year I’m using Elise’s Get to Work Book as a planner/goal tracker to sort of push myself to commit to these “tasks”. I absolutely love the concept of this Work book, it is amazing tool how to stay on track. And it is visually appealing to me as well which helps me to focus on the important stuff.
So, tell me, what are your plans in the reading department for this year? Please don’t be afraid to comment here. It is always such a reward for me to read your comments, and I appreciate one and each of them.
Leave a comment...reflections | fifteen unforgettable moments of twenty-fifteen
- on: December 30, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, family life
In just a little bit over a day we will say goodbye to twenty-fifteen.
It’s crazy how fast this year has passed by. I usually don’t reflect on stuff but this year has seemed like a rollercoaster ride and I think it deserves a recap. There were lots of firsts and ups and downs and I know in a few years I might forget them if I don’t write them down.
So here are our unforgettable moments of twenty-fifteen (in a random order):
- becoming Canadian Citizens
- first parents’ weekend without kids
- job changes for both adults
- walking Patrik to a surgery room and helping to put him into sleep
- being a single parent while Ivo went to Vietnam and Denver
- watching Katrin become a Provincial Champion in cyclocross
- developing stronger relationships with my friends and making new ones
- experiencing first earthquake
- girls trip with Marjo to Whistler + first visit to spa
- cheering on Ivo on his first ultra-marathons
- picking up our car from a deserted parking lot after park hours in a wind storm in pitch black darkness in a local provincial park
- bonding with Ace (can’t imagine our family without him anymore)
- learning about essential oils and switching to more natural ways of living
- seeing black bears just down our street
- re-discovering the benefits of yoga once again
Quite a mix, isn’t it?
I’m ready for new adventures and experiences. Looking forward to twenty-sixteen!
Leave a comment...for the love of photography | iPhone edition
- on: November 27, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, life with vizsla, photography
You guys, if you wanna explore nature, get a dog. I mean a “real” dog. Not a little “pillow” one, but an active breed kinda dog which needs to spend at least an hour a day of physical activity outside. Seriously. You won’t be disappointed.
Of course there are moments when it’s raining and it’s cold outside and all I want to do is to crawl under a blanket with a hot cup of tea but I know Ace has to go outside to get the energy out of his system every single day, so off we go. Honestly, who would say no to that little face?! He always comes to me, puts his chin on my knee or elbow and starts the staring contest. It’s his way of telling me it’s time to go outside. And so we go. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful corner of the world, surrounded by mountains, forests and lakes. And ocean, of course. There is always something new to discover.
The last couple of days have been absolutely amazing!! It’s cold and freezing but the sun is out! The sun! And the light!! Oh my, the amazing light! There is nothing like chasing the sun rays on days like these. Soon we will be back in gray rainy days but while these sunny days last, we need to get the best out of them.
So I grab the leash, put my phone into a pocket and off we go. To explore. To admire the beauty of nature.
To just be outside and notice it all. Because sometimes we are all too “busy” and might miss the beautiful sunset or stunning light coming through the trees.
Even if you don’t have a dog, go outside and capture all of it. It’s totally worth it.
Leave a comment...sometime in November
- on: November 18, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: aromatherapy | essential oils, creative living, everyday life, family life
Well, hello there!
This place has been quite for a while so I think it’s time to dust the corners and make an update on what’s going on with us. To be honest, not too much is going on but at the same time a lot is going on. The last couple of weekends were pretty hectic with cyclocross races and practices but luckily the cycling season is almost over and our routine will finally slow down. I can’t wait!
I love this time of the year when it’s cold outside so we get a chance to get together at home, play board games and just relax. I know we won’t sit on our butts the whole winter but it is nice to take a break from all the programs and schedules and just enjoy some good family time.
Kids started (finally!) drinking tea which makes me so happy. We prepare our tea into a ceramic teapot (which I brought from my home country) and make this our little ritual. They really enjoy it. I bought an advent tea calendar – 24 days of tea from David’s tea and can’t wait to taste new tea flavors with them every day during December! It’s definitely a fun way how to try different teas without buying it in bulks and to discover some new favorites.
I still can’t believe that in just little bit over a month Christmas will be here! Kids have started their wish list already and I did mine as well. I signed up at Young Living Essential Oils community and ordered the Premium Starter kit. It’s arrived more than a week ago but I’m saving it for Christmas so you can bet that I’m counting the days until I will be able to open the box and try my new diffuser!
I’m new and not to essential oils. I have been using oils for several years now but mostly in my aroma lamp. Time to time I use lavender for burns, scratches or any other skin problems but that’s about it. So I’m really excited to start changing our home to less/no chemical one. I’m in a researching mode right now and trying to get as much information as possible. I already bought some rollerball bottles and plan on making my own mixes. The next on the list is a hand soap and house cleaning products which will be chemicals free. Luckily there are tons and tons of recipes online and also an amazing local group of ladies which do get-togethers and lessons. If you have any favourite recipes or tips, please don’t hesitate to share with me.
I’ve also started knitting again. It’s still a huge learning curve for me but I promised Ms. K that I will make her a cowl so I’m trying my best. And if I screw up, I know one creative expert who will save me from disaster of destroying the whole thing.
So there you go. It’s a tea time, aromatherapy and knitting kind of a day and I wouldn’t change a thing on it. I might squeeze a yoga class in there tonight as well.
Hope life is treating you well in your corner of the world.
Leave a comment...for the love of photography
- on: September 11, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, photography, sport | triathlon
There is no secret that our family is very active in sports. We love to be outside and enjoy the beautiful nature which surrounds us. We are so lucky that our kids share the same love for outdoors as us, parents.
Katrin is now old enough to be a part of the same cycling team as Patrik has been for the last two years. She has joined him for a cyclocross program this fall and loves it. The team is lead by the best coaches, professional athletes and even some Olympic champions so we know they are in the best hands. The kids give it everything during their practices and are having fun even through the sweat and pain. Cyclocross is quite challenging and one has to be in a pretty good shape to ride the bike on the hills and carrying it over obstacles.
I took few photos with my phone during their practice yesterday and I love how these turned out. The silhouettes on the hill in a sunset just make me happy.
This is Katrin following her coach on the course.
And Patrik’s first practice of the season.
Sometimes in the rush of our daily lives we almost forget how important it is to nurture our own souls with things we love. For me it is photography. I love to look at life through the lens and freeze the special moments.
Whatever it is what makes you happy, I hope you will find at least a few minutes this weekend to focus on it.
Leave a comment...around here
- on: June 08, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: around here, everyday life, family life
Here are a few things happening around here lately:
1. Anything soccer. Patrik is living and breathing soccer for the last couple of days and isn’t talking about anything else than soccer players.
2. We’ve got some very hot, hot days. The weather is insanely warm and I can’t honestly wait till it cools downs. I’m not a hot weather person. The worst are the nights when it is so warm outside that even having all windows open doesn’t help to cool the house down.
3. We’ve got our patio cover up so we can finally enjoy eating outside. It is my favorite part of every summer.
4. I finished a book last week. I don’t remember when was the last time I finished one (probably months and months ago). The book I read is called Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center. I requested the book in our library a few months ago and finally I was on the top and able to pick it up. I read it within a few days and really liked it. I read all Katherine’s books, this one might be my most favorite so far.
5. Ivo is training for a mountain bike race, his first one. I hope everything will go smoothly and without injuries.
6. Both kids are counting days until their summer break. This summer will be challenging as we need to figure out camps and activities for them which we didn’t have to deal with in the past.
7. Ace is 10.5 months old now. He is still a crazy puppy but also a lot of fun to be around. We did an overnight road trip with him to Whistler and I was pleasantly surprised how well he did.
8. We are harvesting our first strawberries (Ace already discovered them as well…) and red currant from our backyard. I can’t wait for our tomatoes to be ready.
9. Loving this song lately. It’s different, and that’s probably why I like it.
10. There is nothing better like having an amazing people in your life. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by women I can trust, laugh with them, bike with them and share joy and a glass of wine with.
11. Around here life is happening. One day at a time. Exactly the way how we like it.
Leave a comment...on my mind
- on: March 23, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, family life, focus on everyday, photography
So many things have changed in our everyday routine in such a short period of time. My mind is constantly racing with thoughts how we will manage.
We will get used to it, I know it.
We always do.
This post is a part of a weekly themes over at Focus on Everyday collaborative blog. If you want to see Harmony’s take on the theme, please go here.
Leave a comment...twenty fourteen in a glance | through the lens |no words needed
- on: December 31, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, family life, photography
Wow, this year is almost gone. In just a few hours we will be saying good-bye to 2014 and will be welcoming year 2015.
This year was full of events, big and small, a lot of traveling for races, a lot of personal successes, job change, broken wrist and I could go on and on. Overall, it was a good year.
Here is a little glance at some of my favorite moments captured through the lens from twenty fourteen:

Credit: Eric Fernhout
I am looking forward to grabbing my camera more in 2015 and documenting our everyday life through the lens.
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