- on: January 18, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
It has been ages since I posted anything about Ace. He has grown quite a bit and will be turning 18 months in a few days. He has such a fun personality. He is definitely living up to the nickname of “velcro” dog, he loves to cuddle with us and be close to us. And yes, he knows how to push the buttons too…!
Now he is able to go for long runs with Ivo ( I think the longest one they have done was around 25km) and he absolutely loves it. Ivo took him also for a few bike rides on the trails to get him used to run along the bike. So far so good! His two brothers live in the same city so he is running with them on regular basis. I’m still trying to get a good shot of them together but you can imagine how almost impossible this is! Hopefully one day..
We got him this cave bed from Snoozer for Christmas. At first he wasn’t sure about it but now he definitely calls it his space. He buries himself deep into the bed and sometimes we can’t see him at all, sometimes only a leg, his tail or a nose will stick out a little bit.
You can tell that he is definitely comfy in there.
I’m hoping to update the Vizsla page soon with some new photos so you can compare how much he has grown and changed.
Leave a comment...for the love of photography | iPhone edition
- on: November 27, 2015
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, life with vizsla, photography
You guys, if you wanna explore nature, get a dog. I mean a “real” dog. Not a little “pillow” one, but an active breed kinda dog which needs to spend at least an hour a day of physical activity outside. Seriously. You won’t be disappointed.
Of course there are moments when it’s raining and it’s cold outside and all I want to do is to crawl under a blanket with a hot cup of tea but I know Ace has to go outside to get the energy out of his system every single day, so off we go. Honestly, who would say no to that little face?! He always comes to me, puts his chin on my knee or elbow and starts the staring contest. It’s his way of telling me it’s time to go outside. And so we go. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful corner of the world, surrounded by mountains, forests and lakes. And ocean, of course. There is always something new to discover.
The last couple of days have been absolutely amazing!! It’s cold and freezing but the sun is out! The sun! And the light!! Oh my, the amazing light! There is nothing like chasing the sun rays on days like these. Soon we will be back in gray rainy days but while these sunny days last, we need to get the best out of them.
So I grab the leash, put my phone into a pocket and off we go. To explore. To admire the beauty of nature.
To just be outside and notice it all. Because sometimes we are all too “busy” and might miss the beautiful sunset or stunning light coming through the trees.
Even if you don’t have a dog, go outside and capture all of it. It’s totally worth it.
Leave a comment...five months old
- on: December 29, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: life with vizsla
Yesterday our boy turned 5 months. I can’t believe how much he’s changed since the very first day we brought him home when he was just one day short of 8 weeks. Just look how tiny he was!
The difference is crazy, isn’t it?! He can be so much fun but also a lot of work. But I have to admit things are getting much better and easier with him.
Ace at the age of five months:
- is loosing his puppy teeth every single day
- he runs with us leash free (trail runs with Ivo – the longest one was 10km so far and runs on dykes with me, usually around 6km)
- he loves to cuddle
- every morning after I take him outside he waits when I take his collar off and then he sprints upstairs and jumps into our bed and cuddles with Ivo
- he has amazing sense of smell, he is sniffing in the kitchen all the time
- he has tried “counter surfing”
- he can’t have any flush toys or fabric ones, he destroys them in just few minutes
- he is too excited when he sees people and want to greet them with jumps and kisses (we have to work on this one)
- when he is tired he just decides not to listen to anyone
- he loves to play
- the color of his eyes is greenish/greyish/golden now, I’m so in love with the color
- his fur has gotten darker in the fall
He has been with us for more than 3 months now and I can’t imagine not having him around anymore.
He is definitely a part of our family.
Leave a with Vizsla | Ace :: 3 months old
- on: October 28, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: life with vizsla
Ace is 3 months old today. He has been with us for over 5 weeks now and Oh my, how our lives have changed since then!
Having a puppy is definitely a lot of work but also a lot of joy. And the joy is much bigger.
He has changed alot and grown up since the day we brought him home. Far gone is the little puppy. I can’t believe how tiny he was when we brought him home!

first day at home
The first few nights were tough. Being up every 1.5-2 hours at night and being able to function during the day was hard on me but I think I coped quite well with it. Since I’ve become a mom, I have a very light sleep and I’m awaken by every single little noise.
The first morning with Ace at home was full of excitement, getting to know each other, playtime and naptimes.
Luckily he sleeps in his crate and has it has his safe place. He sleeps in our bedroom and we carry the crate downstairs for the day.
On the first weekend (2nd day at home) we had BBQ with friends at our place. Our friends got Ace’s brother, Kona, on the same day so it was a lot of fun to see both of them reunited and playing with each other once again.
Can you tell he was tired from all that playing?
He is such a happy little puppy. He loves to chew on everything, his favorite are strings of any kind. The best ones are the ones that hang down from hoodies. And he loves to run. Run, fast!

2 months old
The reason why we’ve chosen this breed is Vizsla’s athletic performance. Soon Ace will be able to go for long runs with us and keep up during longer hikes and bike rides. But for now we are ok with shorter walks in the woods and on dykes.
Yes, we are all in love with him even though he can be a little bit of trouble maker…
But I guess he knows how to work on us. His greeting kisses are the best!
And those eyes!! The eyes have already changed their color from blue to green/grey/yellowish color but the look is just amazing. Every. single. time! His looks just melts my heart.

2 months old

9 weeks

12 weeks
I’m so in love with the color of his fur. He is darker on the head and on the top of his back and the rest of his body is lighter.
And he is funny too :)
And sometimes he poses even though he doesn’t want to. He is the best!
Well, we can’t imagine our everyday life without him anymore. Even though it’s been only few weeks since he has been with us, he totally completes our little family. It’s getting easier to handle him. He is getting taller, leaner and cooperates more now. We are on the right track.
Happy 3-months B-day, Ace!
first morning at home | Ace
- on: September 20, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
Last night (the very first one) went quite well. Even though Ace woke up every 1.5-2 hours, he didn’t cry too much and always went back to sleep after half an hour or so. He slept in a crate next to my bed and did really well. In the morning he decided to test the staircase.
At first he didn’t know how to get up but he figured it out really fast but going down is a totally different challenge. He is learning. Slowly but surely.
There has been a lot of sleeping time and playtime today. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous so we could spend a lot of time on our backyard playing with Ace.
He is doing so well! It’s evening already and he didn’t have a single accident inside the house since yesterday when we brought him home. It seems observation and good timing really pays off (at least so far).
He is a darling.
I’m happy that I have finally someone “willing” to pose for me to practice taking photos with my camera.
Leave a comment...welcoming Ace
- on: September 19, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
We have been counting days for the last couple of weeks till the day when we could bring Ace home. Today was finally the day! The whole morning felt like a Christmas day. Huge excitement in the air and everyone smiling and checking out the clock if it’s time to go and pick him up. When we came to the breeder, we had a choice of two puppies. We requested a calmer personality. Ace (one of the two calmer ones) came up to Ivo and started chewing his shoe laces. It was decided. He is the one!
The way back home wasn’t as bad as I expected. He was biting and moving around a lot but at the end he calmed down and about 10 minutes from home, fell asleep. When we got home, he started to explore his new home. It was really fun to watch.
He is seriously the cutest little thing EVER!! We are all. in. LOVE!
He got tired quite fast from all the newness around him.
We are so happy to have him in our family.
Welcome home, Ace!
Leave a comment...Ace
- on: September 01, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
Oh my, could this little fella be any more cuter?!!
The decision has been finally made and this little cutie will be joining our family soon. Katrin has been asking for a dog like forever, she asked and asked and Ivo was denying and denying. He’s finally changed his mind and agreed. He had one condition though – an athletic dog, not a “pillow” dog and we found the perfect breed – Vizsla. We have been very lucky to find an amazing breeder who has just happened to have a new litter of beautiful puppies. I don’t have to tell you that we’ve fallen in love immediately.
Ace (a name we’ve chosen for our little guy) will be joining our family in less than three weeks! Eeek! He is five weeks old now.
All the puppies have stunning blue eyes now but the color will eventually change to a beautiful golden color.
I told you, he is the sweetest little thing ever!
Kids couldn’t get enough of all the little puppies running around.
We are counting days till we can bring our little Ace home!! Few more days to go, few more to go….
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