- on: January 18, 2016
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, life with vizsla
It has been ages since I posted anything about Ace. He has grown quite a bit and will be turning 18 months in a few days. He has such a fun personality. He is definitely living up to the nickname of “velcro” dog, he loves to cuddle with us and be close to us. And yes, he knows how to push the buttons too…!
Now he is able to go for long runs with Ivo ( I think the longest one they have done was around 25km) and he absolutely loves it. Ivo took him also for a few bike rides on the trails to get him used to run along the bike. So far so good! His two brothers live in the same city so he is running with them on regular basis. I’m still trying to get a good shot of them together but you can imagine how almost impossible this is! Hopefully one day..
We got him this cave bed from Snoozer for Christmas. At first he wasn’t sure about it but now he definitely calls it his space. He buries himself deep into the bed and sometimes we can’t see him at all, sometimes only a leg, his tail or a nose will stick out a little bit.
You can tell that he is definitely comfy in there.
I’m hoping to update the Vizsla page soon with some new photos so you can compare how much he has grown and changed.
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