- on: August 16, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: everyday life, self care
The change in weather makes me excited. We went straight from a tropical heat into fall-ish weather and I’m loving it. I’m not big on fresh starts and new years resolutions (they don’t last anyway…) at the beginning of January but I sort of celebrate the upcoming end of summer and the slow transition into sweater weather which has always been my most favorite time of the year.
I’ve been wanting to cut my hair for a few weeks now but I was waiting for my biking race to be done. It’s more comfortable for me to put my hair into ponytail under the helmet during long rides. So finally I booked a new stylist and went to get my hair done this morning. And I love it! I feel so fresh and my head is so much lighter.
It’s a good start.
Hello, change. Hello, new me!
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- on: May 12, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, photography, self care
breakfast in bed made by four little hands.
the cutest handmade gifts.
feeling and being loved.
soaking up the goodness of this simple, yet extraordinary moment.
having the privilege of being called mom –
my heart is full.
Leave a be real
- on: April 29, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: inspiration, random thoughts, self care
This is so true!
I found this photo by Sarah from My Four Hens Photography on her facebook page the other day. It made me stop. And think. Think about how silly I am sometimes to stress about totally unimportant stuff. How I want to do a million things at once and then I end up with million things half done. Or not even half done.
Last Sunday I supposed to go to a book club. The truth is, I haven’t read a whole book since last September. And of course I didn’t read the book the other ladies read. I even didn’t have to read the book to attend but I somewhere deep knew that it is going to be another meeting which I “skip”. First I was stressing about it (a lot) but then I just let go. Weekends are the only time when the whole family gets together. We had only 2 dinners last week as a family together due to our crazy busy schedules and I so missed just being together with people I love. We spent the afternoon hiking in a local park and then instead of going to the meeting, I just hopped on my bike and biked for an hour and half. It was the longest and hardest workout I’ve done so far on the computrainer (it is a very real simulation of road biking). I felt guilty for not going but on the other hand so happy that I did something just for myself.
I’ve set up a little goal for myself for the next few weeks. I want to get back to things I like to do – to take more pictures, to try new dishes again and actually to do my weekly menu plan once again (this one is on a right path as I have this week already planned on ). To start and finish little projects around the house. To set a time just for myself and my (almost forgotten) hobbies.
Yesterday I read Andrea’s post on How to let go and commented on that post how I love the feeling when I realize that it is easy to let things go and just do it. To just drop it. Andrea replied to me through email with one single word: yes! That one single word just took all the heavy thoughts off from my shoulders and at that moment I knew that I did the right thing. I let go of the need to do what everyone else expects me to do and just did what I felt was right. I just dropped all the negative guilty thoughts. And it felt good.
I am far from being perfect but I’m getting more closer to be real.
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- on: April 09, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: focus on everyday, photography, self care
Behind these curtains I step into a totally different world. World, where all the everyday worries and heavy thoughts are suddenly forgotten, even though just for a few precious minutes.
World, where I can relax and let my mind wander in joyful lightness…
…until the next deep breath…
I absolutely love my yoga classes. The studio is so calming and peaceful and our yoga teacher, Erin, is one of the most happiest, caring and loving people I’ve ever met. Her love for yoga shines through the whole class.
In the past few weeks I did therapeutic yoga and this week I attended a Hatha yoga class for the first time since 2010. I’m really looking forward to getting more deeply into yoga, not just to nurture my body but also my soul.
This post is a part of this week’s prompt Experience over at our collaborative blog Focus on Everyday. You can check out the entries of other contributors.
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- on: April 06, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: self care
Last week I’ve joined the 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I was a little bit afraid of putting 1 cup of spinach into my smoothie but after a week I have to say that I’m loving the extra portion of vitamins and don’t mind the spinach in it at all. Yesterday the smoothie looked really green as I didn’t put any berries into it. I’ve received the shopping list for the next week in my email already and can’t wait to explore more of the different textures and tastes.
Jadah and Jen posted this formula on their instagram on Friday. I’m not sure if I will be brave enough to try the bok choy, but who knows, it might be my favorite in the future.
Do you have a favorite recipe for making your smoothies?
Leave a step closer to thriving
- on: April 01, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: focus on everyday, self care
Today I made my first smoothie with spinach. It wasn’t bad, just a little bit different than just having it with fruit. I think I can get used to it. I’ve signed up for The green smoothie challenge and I hope that this will push me to stay focused and work more on my wellness.
I’ve chosen thrive as my one little word for this year on purpose. I want to feel alive. I want to thrive and not just to be surviving day by day trying to escape the exhaustion. That’s why I’ve started going to yoga again. My yoga class is a weekly happy getaway from the crazy busy days, my time to relax and time when I can turn off all the worries. I always feel so refreshed afterwards! I hope that changing my diet is going to help me to feel better and more energized as well. Time will show, I guess.
The photo above is my contribution to our weekly theme over at Focus on Everyday (our new posts go live on Wednesdays). This week we are focusing on 4 things. I used four things for my smoothie today and I hope to get more creative and explore more combinations as time goes on. Hop over to see inspiration from the other girls as well.
And if you are interested in the 30-day green smoothie challenge, check out Jadah’s and Jen’s website, it’s amazing!
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hello, 35
- on: March 02, 2014
- By Gabi
- theme: family life, self care
Yesterday I’ve turned 35 years young.
It’s funny how some people freak out when they are asked how old they are and they try to avoid the answer. Not me. I’m proud to say that I am 35 now.
I feel that in the past year I somehow grew up a little bit. Yes, I still goof around a lot and make constantly silly jokes but I feel like my inner self is slowly growing up.
I feel more calm inside. I make my choices (good or wrong) more peacefully and I take full responsibility for taking those steps and choices.
I am still learning how to let the not-so-important things go, but somehow the whole process of letting go seems much easier now.
I am able to recognize what the priorities in my life are much faster now and don’t stress about the less important stuff.
I am also more aware of my personality and how I am affecting people around myself.
I love to be spontaneous and bring little joys to people I love.
I am on my way to my better self. I’ve started going to yoga again and I am also focusing on healthy lifestyle more lately. I felt so relaxed after my recent yoga class, I haven’t felt that way in months! I can’t wait to go again and stretch those tired muscles even more.
My loving husband and our beautiful kids are the best support team ever. Their strong deep love makes me feel secure and loved and I feel how I am growing at their sides stronger and stronger every single day. They make me complete and I love them for it so much.
Well, hello 35! I am ready for you.
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